Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Significance by Shelly Crane

Maggie is a seventeen year old girl who used to have it all. She ran track, made good grades, and had the football star boyfriend. Then it all dell apart when her mom left. Her dad went into a deep depression, her boyfriend broke up with her because of football, and she stopped caring about school. Then, she saved Caleb's life. As soon as she saw Caleb she knew there was something different about him and she felt a pull to him. However, she was on the way to meet his cousin to go on a date. But everything changed when they touched. They imprinted and saw their lives together flash before her eyes. After that, the world as she knew it was gone and was replaced with a supernatural world that always brings surprises. Now, she has people after her, her dad comes out of his depression and wants to be in her life, she learns that she will eventually get her own abilities. Will Caleb and Maggie be able to save each other and be together, or will they be torn apart, only after finding each other?

I LOVED this book. If you are a romantic, this is the book for you. It is also a very funny book. I usually don't laugh out loud when I read books but Crane had me cracking up all throughout it. I was constantly smiling. Shelly Crane really knows how to pull her readers in. I couldn't sit this book down. Not only is there the romance factor, there is the paranormal factor also. The characters have many different supernatural abilities. The only problem I had was all the mistakes in the book. There were so many. If the plot wasn't so good I would not have liked this book at all.

Devour by Shelly Crane

Clara has the perfect life, or so it seems on the outside. She is in the popular group at school, she is on the spirit squad, she is pretty, and she has the hot, wrestling star boyfriend. Then, a mysterious, new guy shows up and turns everything upside down. Clara gets pulled into a world she never imagined existed. Does this change in her life change her for the better or worse?

I absolutely love Shelly Crane. This book has a great story line that kept me enthralled the whole time I was reading it. I did not want to put it down. The only complaint I have about this book is the grammar mistakes. There are many mistakes throughout the book, but for me, the plot definitely made up for it. If you like paranormal stories, then you will love this book.